Thursday, September 15, 2011

Invasion of the Ants!

Sorry, everyone. I know it's been awhile since I've posted much, so I'm catching up on what you've all missed over the past two weeks tonight.

Two weeks ago, we had torrential downpours for almost 2 straight days. The ants apparently thought God was flooding the earth once again, and sought higher ground, IN OUR KITCHEN!

After walking into the kitchen one afternoon, I found hundreds of ants swarming all over the floor. We couldn't figure out where they were coming from. They were tiny (like sugar ants) and there was nothing left out to attract them, so we didn't know what to do. Eventually, we put on our shoes and did a little stomping dance on the ants to kill them all, but they kept we found on-line that we should "sprinkle" Comet on the areas that they were in. We liberally sprinkled the Comet throughout the kitchen, and it helped to some extent, but not completely. The next day, we made a trip to the store and purchased some Raid, which seemed to do the trick...Until the next day when we got home from school and now the ants had migrated to even higher ground and were now coming in through the windows and climbing all over our counters, in the sink, and pantry. Ugh! We sprayed a lot more raid, and now they seem to be gone. Phew!

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