Friday, September 23, 2011

Why it's so much fun to be an adult...

This week, my kiddos took a writing assessment, similar to the MSP writing test. The prompts are not a secret, so it's ok if I share it and the student responses with you.

My third graders were asked to write a persuasive essay on the following prompt: Which is more fun - to be an adult or a child? I read through my students' work and jotted down a few of my favorite lines. I was surprised by their answers and that so many of them chose being an adult as more fun. Here's what they had to say:

It's more fun to be an adult because...
1.  They get to have a beard and shave!
2. They don't ever get bossed around!
3. They can go to Lady Gaga concerts.
4. You can be a rockstar!
5. You're never too short to ride on a roller coaster!

On the flip side, I had one extremely funny comment about why it's so much more fun to be a child...

"You don't have to get married and kiss and all that yucky stuff! Uggh!"

Oh, how I wished I still thought like these kids!

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