Saturday, October 22, 2011

Monkey sighting!

I know, I's been awhile!

Yep, that sign says "crocodiles"!

One of many monkeys we saw:)

Last weekend one of our friends with two small children asked us to accompany her and the wee ones to the Nature Reserve located just outside of town. The reserve houses various birds, primates, and reptiles native to this part of Africa. Within steps of our car we got to see a giant tortoise up-close and personal. We then marched through the swampy jungle, on a raised boardwalk, passing mangroves, palm, and cashew trees, while keeping our eyes peeled for monkeys and crocodiles (as the sign warned us). Every once in a while, you'd hear a crashing sound coming from the treetops and a monkey would grace us with it's presence. I tried to be quick with the camera, but I didn't want to miss the opportunity to see the monkeys in "real life" as opposed to behind a glass window at the zoo. There was also a giant ladder that scaled up the side of a tree, from which, if you chose to climb, you could get a great view. Kinda cool! 

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